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Boxofit.com - View topic - The LAGG Initiative
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 The LAGG Initiative 
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Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:14 am
Posts: 67
Location: NW Florida
Boxofit.com was founded with community gaming in mind. That said, we've launched a new Forum Category dedicated to helping our members expand not only the Boxofit.com Gaming Community - but their local community as well.

Enter, the Local Area Gaming Group (or LAGG, for awesome) Initiative.

Basically, the way the LAGGI works is this:

1) A prominent member of Boxofit.com (someone we have great confidence in, who has shown themselves ready to take on the task of organizing and sufficiently entertaining a group of their local peers) shows an interest in starting a local gaming group.
2) Administration for the site creates a forum dedicated to that group - and assigns the member moderator-ship over said forum (unless they're already a global moderator).
3) Group Leader and Site Administrator work together to create online advertisements, printed flyers, and other promotional material.
4) Group Leader and Site Administration will collect RSVPs for meetups and, if RSVP goal is met, Administration will help cover the associated Hosting Cost (if any) of having the group gather at a location such as a Hotel Conference Room, Banquette Hall, or Public Library Meeting Room.
5) Group Leader will be educated on the following:
• Tagging Assets (games, consoles, TVs, accessories) to prevent confusion between owners and accidental theft.
• Multi-Level Marketting Methods.
• Working with Sponsors (Imagine if BestBuy provided all of the TVs you would need for your meetups and once or twice a year, Software Developers would let your group demo their upcoming products... It's may seem unthinkable - but the fact is that it's GREAT advertisement for them, and attracts more and more people to your group).
• Convention Management (Everything from recruiting Vendors, Planning an Itinerary, managing and tracking ticket sales, compliance with applicable local/state/federal laws, and more).

This project is near and dear to me personally because it provides Boxofit.com with the ability to act as a functional Armada of multiple, independent groups of gamers. The overall success of the individual groups is up to their Leaders - if you just want to meet gamers in your area and make a few new friends; by all means, go for it. But if you find your group keeps growing, and you are interested in gaining more and more sponsors and members until you're running a full fledge convention -- then you're doing yourself, your community, and us here at Boxofit.com a massive service and we couldn't be happier.

Thu May 23, 2013 10:46 pm
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